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discription markus
Markus Mörl

Was born on 27th of August 1959 in Bad Camberg, Germany. Markus is a german Popsinger.
In 1982 he got very popular because of his hits “Ich will Spaß” and “Kleine Taschenlampe brennt”. He became popular in the Neue Deutsche Welle (NDW), since 2006 he releases his music under the name Markus M.

In 1982 he released the LP “Kugelblitze und Raketen” and the single “Ich will Spaß” that helped him to big success in Germany, he went to the popularst singer of the NDW. He had some more singles like “Schön sind wir sowieso”, “Kling Klang Schicksalsmelodie“ and „Kleine Taschenlampe brennt“ which is a duett with Nena. It was presented in the cinemamovie “Gib Gas- Ich will Spaß” where Markus was the leading actor.

After the end of the NDW in 1985 Markus arranged the Band T.X.T. The song “Girls Got A Band New Toy” was a number 4 hit in Italy. They released “Cold As Ice”, too.

In 1987 he started his solo carrer again. He had big success with “Irgandwann, Irgendwo” and in 1991 he released “1000 Kerzen werden brennen”. In 2004 Markus was at the Comebachshow of  Pro7. since 2007 he has a new label and is starting in the Disco-Pop-Scene.

Nothing has changed from the 80’s till now!